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Planned Giving

Maximize your impact by including Catholic Charities of Oregon in your planned giving arrangements. Through your charitable bequest, beneficiary designation, IRA-qualified charitable distribution, Donor Advised fund (DAF) gift or stock gift, you can build a legacy that lasts.

Legacy is when the Lord says, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Your legacy is the footprint you will leave on this earth. It is the impact you make through the way you live your life and the values you hold.
Estate gifts catalyze our mission in ways that annual giving simply cannot. As a Legacy Society member, you make a lasting commitment to partnering with the most vulnerable, regardless of faith, to achieve lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. Thank you for considering Catholic Charities of Oregon in your planned giving arrangements.


Please find our tax information and all of our planned giving options below. To make arrangements, if you have questions, or if you need assistance, email our Development Office at donations@ccoregon.org.

Legal Name: Catholic Charities of Oregon
Address: 2740 SE Powell Blvd | Portland, OR 97202
EIN: 93-0386801

Gifts that cost you nothing during your lifetime:

You can support Catholic Charities of Oregon’s future today by making a gift that leaves your cash flow and current financial planning unchanged:

  • Bequests (Gifts by Will or Living Trust) – Need to preserve your assets during your lifetime? You can plan a gift to us that will only take effect after your other obligations have ceased. A charitable bequest is a gift of personal property (e.g. money, stock, bonds, art, jewelry, etc.) given by a will that reduces estate taxes owed by a decedent.​ Please arrange your charitable bequest with Catholic Charities of Oregon today by emailing donations@ccoregon.org.
  • Gifts of retirement Plans – You may name Catholic Charities of Oregon’s as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified plan.
    • Make Catholic Charities a full or partial beneficiary of your IRA, 401(K), annuity, or life insurance policy by requesting a beneficiary designation form from your plan administrator. To set up a beneficiary designation, please email donations@ccoregon.org. 
    • If you are 70½ or older, you may give up to $100,000 per year directly from your traditional or Roth IRA to 501(c)(3) charities.​ The transfer can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution and generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you still benefit even if you do not itemize deductions. Spouses may each give up to $100,000 from their own IRA accounts.You may download our IRA distribution donation form by clicking the link below. For questions, please email donations@ccoregon.org.
    • IRA Distribution Donation Form 2025
  • Gifts of Life Insurance – Give a policy you no longer need to Catholic Charities of Oregon’s, or name Catholic Charities of Oregon’s as a beneficiary.
  • Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Funds – You can take advantage of appreciated securities without incurring capital gains tax. You may transfer appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares you have owned for more than one year to Catholic Charities of Oregon’s.Maximize your impact for those in need and receive potential tax benefits by sharing your success in the market. By including Catholic Charities of Oregon as a percentage or specific-dollar beneficiary in your estate plan, you are helping the people we serve. Click here to learn more about the benefits of donating stock.To arrange a stock gift, please email donations@ccoregon.org.

Gifts that pay you back:

Gifts that pay lifetime income have many benefits: dependable income for you and your family, current and future tax savings, and a means to support Catholic Charities of Oregon’s. The following are two examples of this type of gift:

  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts – Receive fixed payments and tax advantages
  • Charitable Remainder Unitrusts – Create a flexible source of income financial planning unchanged

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs):

Donor Advised Funds are enormously popular charitable giving vehicles—known for their ease and flexibility. They are a way to streamline your giving and maximize your impact.

Through a Donor Advised Fund, you can make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund over time.

Gift planning is a forward-thinking choice for people of all ages and means

Choosing the right type of gift depends on your personal circumstances and financial goals. With this information in hand, a consultation with your financial advisor will determine the best course for you and your future.


Pantries a partnership of LDS and Catholic Charities

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When it comes to feeding hungry Oregonians, Catholic Charities and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are close partners.

Remembering refugee move-ins

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There may be fewer refugees arriving in Oregon, but those resettled by Catholic Charities in recent months remember move-in day to their new apartments.

'Here's what never changes'

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Many who attended our Celebration of Hope gala Feb. 27 asked us to post remarks given by our interim executive director, Kaleen Deatherage. We are glad to do so.

Love and support through yarn

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
PHOTO ABOVE: Mary’s Cousins, a group at Resurrection Catholic Parish, makes prayer shawls, baby blankets, hats and scarves for those who are suffering or in need. They are shown working behind a pile of bags holding 106 warm blankets they created for Catholic Charities clients. Roberta Dechert and Lois Miles are seated at left; Veda…