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Refugee Services In-kind Needs

Donate new or gently used items to our Refugee Services program and give our newest neighbors a warm welcome to their new home.

You can make a difference

Donate new or gently used supplies to our Refugee Services Program

Scroll down to see our list of current needs and items we’re unable to accept at this time.


Ester’s story

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
When refugees arrive in Oregon, they can be deeply traumatized and therefore afraid to move forward. Haunted by all that happened in their home countries and in refugee camps, they may choose to hide in their homes. At Catholic Charities, it’s our job to have hope for them until they can hold hope for themselves.

Remembering refugee move-ins

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
There may be fewer refugees arriving in Oregon, but those resettled by Catholic Charities in recent months remember move-in day to their new apartments.

Church quilters provide care and warmth to migrants

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
A group of quilters linked to First Congregational United Church of Christ in Portland has donated more than 40 full-sized quilts to Catholic Charities. The hope is to provide welcome, warmth and comfort to refugee and migrant families in Oregon.

Statement from Archbishop Alexander K. Sample, Archdiocese of Portland, on Executive Orders regarding immigration

Posted By | Archbishop Alexander Sample
In response to the new administration’s executive orders focused on immigration, I am in accord with the statement given by the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio.