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Migrant Services

The Catholic Church recognizes the right of all nations to control their borders and the flow of migrants within. At the same time, the church recognizes the right of individuals to migrate in search of safety and security, which often means leaving one’s country of origin.

Many of the individuals and families we assist have fled war, gang violence, persecution and/or domestic violence. We help migrants in Oregon who are refugees, asylees, and Trafficking Victim Visa and Special Immigration Visa holders to follow the legal pathways to citizenship set up by Congress. Society depends on agencies like Catholic Charities; without vibrant resettlement services like ours, the immigration process would be chaotic for everyone.

We offer:

  • Support in housing
  • Support in employment
  • Education in inculturation to the United States
  • Attentive individual case management to help with all needs of the household.
  • Expert legal assistance

Immigration Legal Services

Founded in 1996, our Immigration Legal Services division works to protect individuals and maintain and reunify families in need.

Refugee Services

Catholic Charities provides refugee resettlement and case management services to individuals and families who seek to make Oregon their new home.

Remembering refugee move-ins

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
There may be fewer refugees arriving in Oregon, but those resettled by Catholic Charities in recent months remember move-in day to their new apartments.

Church quilters provide care and warmth to migrants

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
A group of quilters linked to First Congregational United Church of Christ in Portland has donated more than 40 full-sized quilts to Catholic Charities. The hope is to provide welcome, warmth and comfort to refugee and migrant families in Oregon.

Statement from Archbishop Alexander K. Sample, Archdiocese of Portland, on Executive Orders regarding immigration

Posted By | Archbishop Alexander Sample
In response to the new administration’s executive orders focused on immigration, I am in accord with the statement given by the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio.

Declaración del Arzobispo Alexander K. Sample, de la Arquidiócesis de Portland, sobre las órdenes ejecutivas relativas a la inmigración

Posted By | Archbishop Alexander Sample
En respuesta a las órdenes ejecutivas de la nueva administración centradas en la inmigración, estoy de acuerdo con la declaración dada por el presidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, el Arzobispo Timothy P. Broglio.