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Housing Transitions

The Housing Transitions Program (HTP) is a relationship-centered program that operates on the best practice Housing First model. We assist in removing barriers to permanent housing and provide housing services to self-identified women experiencing homelessness, who are at least 25 years old, and do not have any children in their care.

Housing Transitions

Non-parenting women who are at least 25 years old and experiencing homelessness are an underserved population with relatively few services available to them. Often, women with children in their care receive housing priority.

While the overall number of individuals experiencing homelessness in Multnomah County has dropped by 15% in the past two years, the number of single women on the streets has increased.

In partnership with other programs in the area, our Housing Transitions Program is able to offer drop-in services, and housing assistance.

Women housed in FY23-24
Women who received retention services in FY23-24
Monthly average of unique clients served by our drop-in center
Served by our street outreach effort
Volunteer hours in FY23-24

Drop-In Services

The Housing Transitions Program is a warm, welcoming place for self-identified women who are experiencing homelessness and offers community-building for those who have achieved housing.

Drop-in is open Monday through Friday between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. Women may access drop-in services without an intake.

  • COVID-19 precautions as of 3/16/2020: drop-in services (mail, food, hygiene supplies) at the door, limited showers and laundry, one person in space at a time.
  • COVID-19 precautions as of 5/18/2020: masks must be worn, and all guests must be symptom-free while in the space.
    • Appointments and meetings to be held by phone as much as possible.
    • *No group activities are scheduled.
Drop-in services include…
  • A supportive community for self-identified women (well-mannered pets are welcome)
  • Showers
  • Washer & dryer
  • Phone & computer
  • Information & referrals
  • Mailing address
  • Monthly activities*
  • Lunch every day drop in is open
  • A monthly calendar of social and craft activities*

We are located at Catholic Charities of Oregon on 2740 SE Powell Boulevard, Suite 6, on the #9 bus line. The entrance is in the back of the building on the lower level of Clark Family Center.

Housing Services

The Housing Transitions Program operates on the Housing First model that prioritizes finding permanent housing as quickly as possible, providing supportive services as needed. This approach is based on the premise that individuals are better able to address other issues in their lives once they have a reliable place to stay.

The ultimate goal of the program is for women to recover from homelessness and become fully participating members of their communities.

To this end, landlord relationships are an important part of our work. When a landlord is willing to accept a client who has barriers to housing, Housing Transitions offers ongoing support to those landlords and encourages them to contact us for assistance in resolving any issues.

Housing services assists with…
  • Advocacy
  • Addressing barriers to housing
  • Securing permanent housing
  • Applying for subsidized housing
  • Rental appeals
  • Rental applications
  • Move-in assistance provided to qualified participants when funds are available
  • Housing case management & retention

Housing Retention

While there are a variety of circumstances affecting the ability of individuals to keep their housing, the primary factors are having the income to pay the rent, understanding and abiding by the terms of the lease, and being able to live in peace with neighbors.

We place women in housing they can afford on their own and help them move in. Case managers work with their clients to explain the importance of following reasonable expectations by property management, being good neighbors, and complaining constructively if there is an issue that needs to be resolved.

Outreach and Engagement

Outreach and engagement offers a connection to housing and support services to people experiencing homelessness. Building strong relationships between outreach workers and people living outside is essential to addressing barriers to housing.

Our outreach team visits neighborhoods, business areas, and green spaces to meet folks who are sleeping outside, in their cars, or in shelters. The outreach team provides immediate resources in the form of water bottles, hygiene supplies, weather appropriate gear, and clothing. They also seek to connect self-identified women with drop-in and housing services through HTP and in partnership with other local agencies who provide housing and support services.

Housing Transitions

In-Kind Needs

Hygiene kits may be delivered to Housing Transitions Program, on the south side of the building (2740 SE Powell Blvd) Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

View our Amazon wish list

We need the following items:

  • T-shirts New or gently worn
  • Sweatshirts New or gently worn
  • Yoga pants New or gently worn
  • Coats New or gently worn
  • Coats New or gently worn
  • Umbrellas
  • Underwear (new only)
  • Batteries
  • Hand warmers
  • Gloves
  • Socks
  • Tents
  • Sleeping bags

We are not accepting the following items at this time:

  • Clothing (other than items listed above)
  • Dishes
  • Housewares
  • Furniture

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