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Family Services

Supporting families has been a priority for Catholic Charities since our founding. In partnership with our clients, we provide an array of supportive services for low-income families, including many who are recovering from trauma.

We believe a stable home environment creates a resilient, healthy future for children and parents.

Catholic Charities of Oregon supports families to become more resilient and thrive by helping our clients to establish stable home environments for their children. Offered services include the following:

  • Help finding resources like mental health counseling, financial wellness & other services
  • Case management and group classes
  • Infant supplies

We are not currently accepting new families or external referrals. If you are seeking Family Services support for you or someone you know, are you encouraged to call 2-1-1, our community’s information and referral line. For Pregnancy & Parenting Support in Multnomah County, go to:  https://www.multco.us/children-and-family-health-services/pregnancy-parenting-support

Please note: We do not offer rent assistance, so if that is the only help you are seeking, we encourage you to call 2-1-1, our community’s information and referral line.

Who We Serve

We work with pregnant and parenting families looking for support during their pregnancy and after the baby’s birth as they adjust to their newest family member. We offer the following services:

  • Support during and after your pregnancy
  • Help finding resources you need for your family
  • Parenting classes
Child with her back turned to the camera

Who We Are

Our Family Services staff members are skilled at creating a positive and safe space for clients to learn, grow, heal, and thrive. Our staff works cooperatively to provide a welcome environment for clients and to help our clients gain a better sense of control over important life decisions. All services are based in trauma-informed therapeutic, supportive relationships to establish and maintain safety and trust.

Traveling Crib

“Story of an Old Crib” 


One day the Donation Coordinator for Catholic Charities Pregnancy Support Program was moving around baby items and other donations.  As she was moving items she ran across an old crib.  It was not an item that could be given to a client due to safety rules.  What does one do with an old crib? 


The old crib was flimsy, unsafe, and scratched up badly.  It was not safe enough to hold a baby.  She could not give it to another charity, and she cringed at the thought of taking it to the dump.  So she continued to move it to one side of the storage area where donated baby furniture was kept.  Then the storage area was reconfigured, so the old crib moved again to the other side of the area.  No matter where it was moved, it was in the way.  Six months went by, six months of moving that old crib. 


It was now early spring, donations were down, three more pregnant clients needing cribs, diapers, and clothing and we had little to give.  Donations are sporadic; however, the needs of pregnant clients are constant and growing.  Each year the needs grow, and the number of families served grows.   


Finally, the old crib needed to be moved again.  Our Donation Coordinator had an idea.  Maybe the old crib needed to be moved continually.  Maybe it still had something to give to new babies.  Our Donation Coordinator painted the old crib with baby pastel colors, put words on it that spoke of our Catholic Faith, and asked parishes to host the old crib for month to collect much needed donations.  This would help get the word out about the services we provide, and give Catholic Families a way to support the needs of those women who have said, “yes” to new life. 


So, this is what has happened to that old crib.  It has a new makeover and it is now called The Traveling Crib.  We would love to bring this opportunity to put our faith in action at your organization, business or parish.  To schedule The Traveling Crib please call 503.539.6333.  

Traveling Crib Flyer English
Traveling Crib Flyer Spanish
Family Services

In-Kind Needs

Every donation directly supports the children and families receiving services at Catholic Charities of Oregon. Please note: We can only accept new items as hygiene and safety requirements for pregnant women and newborn babies are quite specific.

We are in need of the following items:

  • New car seats
  • Strollers: single and double
  • Diapers and pull-ups size: 4, 5, 6 and 2t-5t.
  • Gift cards (Visa, Walmart, Fred Meyer, Gas station -- $50-$100 each, for emergency needs
  • Household items: laundry soap, dish soap, toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels, etc.
  • Diaper bags
  • Pack & Play
  • Bassinets
  • Bottles (must be new)
  • Baby hygiene items (shampoo, baby wash, baby wipes, diaper cream)
  • Baby clothes through size 2T (new or like new, no stains or tears).
  • Infant safety locks
  • Baby gates

We are not accepting the following items at this time:

  • Heavily worn baby clothes with rips or stains
  • Potty chairs
  • Adult clothing
  • Used breast pumps and supplies
  • Mattresses
  • Cribs

Pantries a partnership of LDS and Catholic Charities

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Baby benefactions

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
Families delighted by supplies for infants Catholic Charities of Oregon is grateful for the generous donors who give diapers, wipes and baby supplies that go to needy families. Most of these items are donated via our Amazon wish list or Traveling Crib program, where Catholic parishes and organizations fill up an empty crib with donations for…