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We believe housing is health.

The Healthy Housing Initiative elevates Providence’s ongoing commitment to ending homelessness and invites other health care providers in Portland and throughout Oregon to join us.

In 2018, Providence’s eight hospitals in Oregon cared for more than 1,500 patients who reported they were homeless. Many of these men, women, and children, however, returned to the streets once they were well enough to leave the hospital. Wet pavement, cold cars, or tents tucked into bushes are never sustainable options for people struggling with health issues.

A drawing of a medical professional interacting with a patient
The connection between affordable housing and access to health care is undeniable.

Permanent housing leads to:

• Fewer emergency department visits
• Better connection to primary care
• Improved access and quality of care

We are most successful when we care for the whole person. Serving our most vulnerable patients means providing primary care, mental health services, transportation to appointments, or access to addiction support groups.

Our Objectives Are Clear.
  • Decrease hospital readmission rates for newly-housed residents by at least 50%.
  • Connect 100% of residents with primary care and behavioral health services within five years.

Ester’s story

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
When refugees arrive in Oregon, they can be deeply traumatized and therefore afraid to move forward. Haunted by all that happened in their home countries and in refugee camps, they may choose to hide in their homes. At Catholic Charities, it’s our job to have hope for them until they can hold hope for themselves.

Pantries a partnership of LDS and Catholic Charities

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
When it comes to feeding hungry Oregonians, Catholic Charities and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are close partners.

Remembering refugee move-ins

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
There may be fewer refugees arriving in Oregon, but those resettled by Catholic Charities in recent months remember move-in day to their new apartments.

'Here's what never changes'

Posted By | Catholic Charities Communications
Many who attended our Celebration of Hope gala Feb. 27 asked us to post remarks given by our interim executive director, Kaleen Deatherage. We are glad to do so.