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Parish Second Collection Resources

Thank you for your participation in Catholic Charities of Oregon’s Second Collection! Below you will find links to resources that will enable you to share out information about Catholic Charities and this year’s Second Collection details with your parishioners. Thank you for your partnership and support.

*All underlined text below will link you to additional resources for your use. 
If you have any questions about the resources provided or how to facilitate the second collection at your parish, please contact donations@ccoregon.org.

Catholic Charities Logos

Catholic Charities Programs Flyer

Bulletin Insert

Print this out to insert into your parish bulletin.

Parish Second Collection Poster

This poster is to accompany the envelopes placed in your parish narthex/vestibule.

Website Messaging 

Embed this messaging on your parish webpage as a featured announcement, update, or event. This will enable your parishioners to easily link to Catholic Charities website for resources or to donate directly online.

Social Media Messaging 

If your parish is active on social media, we have provided some great messaging options to share on your social accounts leading up to the second collection.

Social Media Graphic

This graphic is meant to accompany the provided social media messaging.

Email Messaging

If you have a regular newsletter that you share with your parishioners or that you put out for special announcements, including this messaging will make it easy for your parishioners link to Catholic Charities website for resources or to donate directly online.

Video: All That Catholic Charities Does

From those on the brink of homelessness to those in our affordable housing, Catholic Charities encounters and accompanies those on the trek to self-sufficiency.

Donation Link

This link will bring you to our Annual Appeal donation page so that your parishioners have the option of donating directly online.


For second collection specific questions, please contact donations@ccoregon.org

To stay up to date with our work, follow us on FacebookInstagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn and on our website. To receive regular updates from Catholic Charities of Oregon we invite you to sign up for our newsletter:https://www.catholiccharitiesoregon.org/newsletter/.