Last year, we asked you to send us the names of women you admire.
The request was part of our 90th anniversary celebration, when we noted how many women played a role in beginning and sustaining Catholic social ministry in Oregon.
From the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur who opened an orphanage at St. Paul to the many social workers and supporters we count on today, we’d be lost without women.
The list below comes from you. We are sure it contains many heroes of love, help and hope.
All Women-Especially mothers!
Ann Maurer
Ashley & Monique
Bernice Hagen
Beth Medina
Beth Barsotti
Betty Weidner
Brenda Goldner
Caroline Kansas
Catherine Anderson and Ann Anderson
Catholic Charities Women
Charlotte & Barbara
Chris Aveni
Claire Zandoli
Crispina M Tamayo
Diane & Sue Lennox
Dora Strobel & Madge Boedigheimer
Doris Davis
Edna Keegan
Flora Landi
Gloria Johnston
Heather T. Sills
Unwed mothers
Ida Klose Potter
Involved & dedicated women of our parish!
Iolo Nixon
Jacqueline Delahanty
Karen Mertens
Lavern Dalebroux
Linda Cress
Linda L. Fry
Ma. Concepcion Beltran Diaz
Marcella Evers
Shawna Schmidt
Martha Perez
Mary Jones
Mary Seabergh
Mary Youmans
Merine Bolduc
Mother Jo Copple
Mother St. Theresa
My mother
Nancy VanDyke
Denise P.
Patricia Whiteside
Patsy Heinlein
Patty Pape
Pauline Glidden
Rose Marie Buscho
Rosemarie Bair Noonan
Sharon Feeney
Sr. Dorothoy Nolan
Sr. Irene DeRoche
Sr. Mary Theodoria
Women of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church of Redland