There may be fewer refugees arriving in Oregon, but those resettled by Catholic Charities in recent months remember move-in day to their new apartments.

Catholic Charities workers braved cold to help at shelters
During January’s deadly cold in Oregon, two Catholic Charities of Oregon workers risked their safety to volunteer at area warming shelters. Honor Hehn and Korin Kanzler traveled to the shelters in unprecedented slipperiness, braving falls in treacherous ice left by freezing rain. Fifteen people died in the area. Broken wrists, elbows and hips surged in…

Urge Congress to Pass the Bipartisan Child Tax Credit and Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman, Jason Smith (R-MO) announced the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, a bipartisan tax agreement that expands and improves the Child Tax credit…

Two models of justice
At a time when we honor the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. for his extraordinary work in bending our nation toward justice, we want to hold up a lesser-known person who embodied the same tradition decades before King. Introducing St. Josephine Bakhita.

Our social justice statement
Over the past seven weeks, Catholic Charities of Oregon highlighted the seven principles of Catholic social teaching.

Former refugee now a Catholic Charities intern
“Every day is like you are fighting for your life. You are trying to fit in, you are trying to fit in because you started as an outsider, you are a refugee you don’t speak English. I never seem to get over those feelings.” -Cing Sian Nem, 22, a University of Portland student who came…

Catholic social teaching: Care for God's creation
The Catholic Church’s social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amid the challenges of modern society. Here is the seventh of the seven principles of the tradition.

DIY weatherization: Empowering residents with cost effective and practical solutions
On Dec. 12, a DIY Weatherization Workshop took place at Catholic Charities of Oregon’s Sacred Heart Villa, thanks to a collaborative effort between the Community Energy Project and the Energy Trust of Oregon, with support from Catholic Charities. The event aimed to equip attendees with practical knowledge on energy efficiency, weatherization, and cost-effective strategies to…

Catholic Charities again among Oregon’s most admired companies
For the 6th year in a row, Catholic Charities of Oregon has been named one of the most admired non-profits in Oregon.

Christmas Card Contest
This year, Catholic Charities of Oregon reinstated the annual Christmas Card Contest. The tradition invites participants from local Catholic schools to submit art to be used in a special Christmas greeting card for Catholic Charities’ communications. We are thrilled to be hosting this again and are so grateful to all the incredible students who participated…

Catholic Charities distributes toys and cheer
Donors provided toys and Catholic Charities of Oregon staff and volunteers distributed them to about 400 children Dec. 11-12 at the agency’s headquarters. Central Catholic High School was a particularly generous provider.

Donating is far simpler than selling
Wonder if your car or truck can be donated for a good cause? Even if it’s an outdated or sad specimen, the answer usually is yes. And the benefits are significant.

These vending machines offer good works
The local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has chosen Catholic Charities of Oregon as one of the beneficiaries of this year’s holiday Light the World Giving Machines in Oregon.