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Remembering refugee move-ins

Posted By | ELanglois

There may be fewer refugees arriving in Oregon, but those resettled by Catholic Charities in recent months remember move-in day to their new apartments.

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‘It’s freedom, a chance to expand’

Catholic Charites refugee team partners with local organization that provides free bicycles More than 50 Portland-area refugees served by Catholic Charities of Oregon will be rolling through spring with new or refurbished bicycles, helmets and locks. That’s thanks to a consortium of cycle-minded nonprofits.

In the News: Catholic Charities seeks housing for 3 refugee families that just arrived in Portland

This story highlights the critical refugee resettlement work being done by Catholic Charities of Oregon.  After greeting families and individuals at the airport from countries like the Ukraine, securing housing for refugees is a first and crucial step toward stability and healing.

Lifting each other

Throwback Thursday: Refugee family and neighbors create a transformative bond This is a story about a family from 9,000 miles away with so much gravitas and good nature that a Portland neighborhood has fallen hopelessly in love.

CCUSA leader to speak at UP graduation

In addition, former head of the church’s social service arm will receive the university’s highest degree The University of Portland class of 2024 will hear from the leader of Catholic Charities USA May 5 during commencement. In August 2023, Kerry Alys Robinson began her service as president and CEO of the network of 168 agencies…

One parish’s effort to address homelessness

Ascension Catholic Parish in Southeast Portland has long offered shelter for the most vulnerable, starting in the 1980s. Now, the parish is part of the church-based Family Promise network. The old Ascension school cafeteria holds 15 people, large enough to make a real difference yet small enough for the interaction to be meaningful.

LDS-led initiative means funding for Catholic Charities

In rural Mexico, Maria was targeted at a young age by a local human trafficker. He intended to sell her for profit, subjecting her to unspeakable abuse. She fled for her life to the United States, only to be abused by a man on this side of the border. Maria opted for unwavering resilience, poured…


We highlight not only Amanda Gorman as a Catholic woman of note, but our own villagers at Kenton Women’s Village and the ladies who are part of our Housing Transitions Program. They are seeking to make the move from homelessness to stability and are climbing hills with great zeal.

KGW8: Nonprofits in rural Oregon worry that victims of domestic abuse, human trafficking will lose vital legal resources

“Catholic Charities of Oregon is dealing with the unexpected loss of a federal grant that has supported the program for years. The program helps immigrants who are crime victims with legal assistance to manage court systems and gain visas allowed for survivors” (KGW8, March 1, 2024).

A blessing for Catholic Charities

Father Hans Mueller, a member of the Catholic Charities of Oregon board of directors, visited Feb. 13 to give the nonprofit’s offices a pre-Lenten blessing. Staff read from Psalm 90: “Lord, give success to the work of our hands.” Father Mueller, pastor of St. Juan Diego Parish in Portland, walked throughout the Catholic Charities offices…

‘To show care’

Catholic Charities outreach to homeless campers saves lives, builds relationships and can offer a path to housing Splayed on cold damp cement, the man had a face that was quickly turning the color of a raincloud. A woman’s screams for help echoed off the brick buildings of Portland’s Old Town.

BLACK HISTORY MONTH: In thanks for Portland’s Black churches

In the history of Portland’s struggle for civil rights, the church communities of Black citizens wielded the Gospels powerfully and skillfully. They worked peacefully to provide a great promise, hope and future for their communities.

Anchored in community

Bobbie, 75, wouldn’t dream of leaving Catholic Charities senior housing Bobbie is a human anchor at one Catholic Charities of Oregon senior housing site.