Mary’s Cousins, a group at Resurrection Catholic Parish, makes prayer shawls, baby blankets, hats and scarves for those who are suffering or in need. They are shown working behind a pile of bags holding 106 warm blankets they created for Catholic Charities clients. Roberta Dechert and Lois Miles are seated at left; Veda Thomas and Laura Hamel are standing; Marilyn Ogorzaly and Deanna Johnson are seated at right. Not present: Jane Mize and Nancy Schuh.
When someone – a frail elder, a person who is sick, or a disabled child perhaps – receives a prayer shawl from a group called Mary’s Cousins, a blue card with a prayer is attached.
It reads:
“We created this prayer shawl with love and prayers. May God who formed your being, who knit you together in your mother’s womb, who gave you the breath of life, renew you this day and give you hope to sustain you. May this gift be a sign of Christ’s healing presence. May it warm you when you are weary, surround you with joy, grace you with peace, and wrap you in love.”

Mary’s Cousins are a group of women at Resurrection Catholic Parish in Tualatin who gather regularly to make shawls that can be given to people who are suffering or in need. Patients, those who are grieving, those who have hit an advanced milestone birthday – many reasons call for a shawl.
As the women knit or crochet, they pray. They especially ask God’s comfort for whomever will receive the item they are making.
The group also makes scores of baby blankets, hats and scarves each year that they donate for the clients of Catholic Charities of Oregon. Families delight in the warm soft gifts, which symbolize being welcomed and loved.
The prayer shawl ministry has operated with lots of stitches but no hitches since 2005. In addition to being a charitable and spiritual association, it is a community of women who enjoy each other.