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'Here's what never changes'

Posted by | Catholic Charities Communications

Many who attended our Celebration of Hope gala Feb. 27 asked us to post remarks given by our interim executive director, Kaleen Deatherage. We are glad to do so.

It is so inspiring to look out at all of your beautiful faces, the people who love Catholic Charities and share our passion and commitment to offering help and hope to the most vulnerable members of our community.

I have received such a warm welcome over the past five months. I’m humbled by how much this community cares about the work we do and I can’t thank you enough for your belief in me and our mission. I’m moved by your willingness to engage as we work together to improve and strengthen the outcomes Catholic Charities is achieving for those who are homeless, hungry, addicted, and recently arrived in Oregon—trying to lawfully build a new life in a new country.

I also want to thank you for your candor, the insights many of you have offered are a gift which we will use to become more effective stewards of your generous support and ultimately better partners with YOU—the donors who are the bedrock of this organization. Tonight’s gala is an important step in restoring fiscal stability at Catholic Charities and readying our organization to meet the growing demand for the services and supports we offer to those in need.

Kaleen Deatherage addresses the Celebration of Hope crowd Feb. 27.


Catholic Charities is providing our life-changing services at a moment when the external environment is filled with uncertainty. Political priorities ebb and flow as leadership changes, and the public funding available for our work will wax and wane along with those priorities. Right now, it’s undeniable that we’re at a point where public funding is ceasing.

But our job is to be nimble, because what does not wax and wane is the demand for our services. Today those demands are only increasing along with the pressure it puts on our staff to meet that overwhelming need.

If Catholic Charities has a secret sauce, I think it’s our intentional joining of faith and service. We have a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise. We are the face of feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, and visiting the sick and imprisoned.

We’ve all heard the saying that the only constant in life is change. Well, here is what changes at Catholic Charities: who we’re serving and how we pay for it.

But here’s what never changes: our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching which emphasizes the dignity of every person, the importance of community, and the need to care for the poor and vulnerable.

At Catholic Charities of Oregon we are providing critical services and support to individuals and families facing homelessness, hunger, and the hardships of poverty. Yet, the need in Oregon continues to grow. These are turbulent times. Every day more and more people reach out to us, seeking help with housing, food, and daily support.

A hallmark of Catholic Charities—more than other nonprofits in Portland—is our agility, how we respond to the changing needs of the community and intentionally move towards what is needed now. We are good at pivoting, adapting, and meeting the moment.

As I said, public funding will come and go – but it is not the big rock, it is not the primary way we will keep Catholic Charities strong and financially vibrant.

It is all of us….the people in this room who care the most….who are called by our faith to give to help those less fortunate….WE are the big rocks for Catholic Charities.

Because friends if not us, then who?

As I wrap up my remarks tonight, I want to reaffirm Catholic Charities’ commitment to the work Jesus calls us to do. I want to express again my gratitude and appreciation for all of you. We promise to keep you closely connected to our work as we move forward.

And right now, I’m excited to see what we can achieve together as we raise the funds to ensure that Catholic Charities will be there in the months and years ahead for the most vulnerable amongst us. We are the organization who will be there to offer a hand up everywhere we possibly can in our community.  So, let’s get to work!