When it comes to feeding hungry Oregonians, Catholic Charities and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are close partners.

Remembering refugee move-ins
There may be fewer refugees arriving in Oregon, but those resettled by Catholic Charities in recent months remember move-in day to their new apartments.

Church quilters provide care and warmth to migrants
A group of quilters linked to First Congregational United Church of Christ in Portland has donated more than 40 full-sized quilts to Catholic Charities. The hope is to provide welcome, warmth and comfort to refugee and migrant families in Oregon.

Statement from Archbishop Alexander K. Sample, Archdiocese of Portland, on Executive Orders regarding immigration
In response to the new administration’s executive orders focused on immigration, I am in accord with the statement given by the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio.

Declaración del Arzobispo Alexander K. Sample, de la Arquidiócesis de Portland, sobre las órdenes ejecutivas relativas a la inmigración
En respuesta a las órdenes ejecutivas de la nueva administración centradas en la inmigración, estoy de acuerdo con la declaración dada por el presidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, el Arzobispo Timothy P. Broglio.

All created equal
A reflection on Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Day On Jan. 20, we observe the life and legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man whose dream of equality and human rights changed the course of history. We remember him at a time when migrants to our nation may face increased difficulty.

Help organize furniture for refugee families
Catholic Charities welcomes drop off of furniture donations for refugee families monthly at its storage site: U-Store Self Storage 1130 NE 28th Ave., Portland, OR. 97232. View Map / Get Directions

Welcoming the Stranger: Upholding our values on immigration
Today, I want to address a pressing issue that concerns all of us—the treatment of immigrants and refugees in our society.

‘Willing to go the extra mile’
Refugees trained in job readiness are standouts at Oregon companies

Catholic Charities needs muscle
Team unloads and organizes furniture for refuge households

New arrivals receive help in adaptation
When the federal government asks Catholic Charities of Oregon to resettle refugees, housing and food understandably top the list of services. But soon after, Catholic Charities helps refugees begin adapting to Oregon’s culture and language.

Recap: The roots of care
Caring for the marginalized in Hebrew Scripture and tradition Rabbi Michael Cahana, Senior Rabbi for Portland’s oldest synagogue, told an audience Sept. 19 at Catholic Charities of Oregon that the task of humanity is to repair the world.

In only an hour or two per week, you could help a newly arrived family adjust to life in Oregon and increase their chances of thriving. Catholic Charities of Oregon resettles refugees from many countries and of any belief system. What all the refugees have in common is the need for a local person to…