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Pantries a partnership of LDS and Catholic Charities

Posted By | ELanglois

When it comes to feeding hungry Oregonians, Catholic Charities and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are close partners.

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Pantries a partnership of LDS and Catholic Charities

When it comes to feeding hungry Oregonians, Catholic Charities and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are close partners.

Remembering refugee move-ins

There may be fewer refugees arriving in Oregon, but those resettled by Catholic Charities in recent months remember move-in day to their new apartments.

'Here's what never changes'

Many who attended our Celebration of Hope gala Feb. 27 asked us to post remarks given by our interim executive director, Kaleen Deatherage. We are glad to do so.

Love and support through yarn

PHOTO ABOVE: Mary’s Cousins, a group at Resurrection Catholic Parish, makes prayer shawls, baby blankets, hats and scarves for those who are suffering or in need. They are shown working behind a pile of bags holding 106 warm blankets they created for Catholic Charities clients. Roberta Dechert and Lois Miles are seated at left; Veda…

Church quilters provide care and warmth to migrants

A group of quilters linked to First Congregational United Church of Christ in Portland has donated more than 40 full-sized quilts to Catholic Charities. The hope is to provide welcome, warmth and comfort to refugee and migrant families in Oregon.

Weston Foundation passes $225 million milestone

The Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation, a supporting entity of the Oregon Community Foundation, has given more than $225 million in grants and scholarships since it was formed in 1991.

Scout completes project on land his grandfather donated

The late John Brockamp donated his family farm so Catholic Charities could build its largest affordable housing community to date, 142-unit Good Shepherd Village in Happy Valley. A careful observer of the stunning and colorful property will note that small plaques with Brockamp’s name are affixed to two stylish little libraries on site. The plaques…

Recovery group uses Catholic tools to help transform lives

Sitting in a circle of metal folding chairs, a group recites the 12-Step prayer in unison. It could be any night in any church basement.

Statement from Archbishop Alexander K. Sample, Archdiocese of Portland, on Executive Orders regarding immigration

In response to the new administration’s executive orders focused on immigration, I am in accord with the statement given by the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio.

Declaración del Arzobispo Alexander K. Sample, de la Arquidiócesis de Portland, sobre las órdenes ejecutivas relativas a la inmigración

En respuesta a las órdenes ejecutivas de la nueva administración centradas en la inmigración, estoy de acuerdo con la declaración dada por el presidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, el Arzobispo Timothy P. Broglio.

An interview with Kaleen Deatherage

We looked back in the recent archives and found a November interview on Mater Dei Radio with Kaleen Deatherage, Catholic Charities of Oregon’s interim CEO/executive director.

Pantries break isolation

With inflation putting pressure on residents of Catholic Charities affordable housing, the agency has begun holding food pantries at the housing sites.