We believe in making a difference. Since 1933, Catholic Charities has provided comprehensive care and services for people in need so that their lives are improved and their dignity is honored. In partnership with volunteers, local businesses, partner agencies and local government, we reach thousands of people every year with compassionate care. The power of our impact is felt throughout the community each day as we work tirelessly to break the cycle of poverty.

Our Calling
We address the immediate needs of our clients while supporting social changes that address the root causes of poverty and injustice. Through charitable works and justice advocacy – the primary demands of our faith identity – we empower those we serve to enjoy full participation in the community.
Each year, we work with individuals and families across more than 27 counties in the Pacific Northwest to provide the support they need to thrive in a dynamic and volatile world. From refugee resettlement to homeless and housing services, removal defense to trauma-informed counseling, the myriad of services provided by Catholic Charities, in partnership with donors, volunteers, and corporate and community leaders, provides relief to thougsands of men, women, and children every year.